Professional Dog Training & Behavior Specialist

All Breeds, Ages & Dispositions Always Welcome!
Located in Hanover Massachusetts
Certified Master Trainer: David M. Ranieri

Professional Dog Training & Behavior Specialist
All Breeds, Ages & Dispositions Always Welcome!

Personal, Property, and Family Home Protection Section

Martial Arts for Dogs

With the rise of crime rate throughout the country, many people are Protection training their family dog. I offer three different levels of personal/home protection training. I offer packages in training for every budget and security needs. Protection Training when done correctly has no effect on a dog’s personality, sociability, or attitude within the family environment. When done properly, no one other than you will have any idea that the protection training has been done. I do not believe in aggressive, snarling or nasty dogs or training. I also do not advocate the soul use of “sleeves” to do bite work. Bite work is done on a full body suit and is then the dog trained in muzzle and hidden equipment is used for final proofing, and the elimination of equipment fixation. It is my belief that a dog should be able to work on any part of the body not just the arms. This greatly limits the dogs ability to protect the owner. When was the last time a burglar or mugger presented a padded arm to a dog? These programs produce reliable and stable minded personal, property, and family home protection dogs.

All Protection course’s include problem solving and obedience. All course’s can be upgraded from any obedience course. All training methods are that of police, and military style and standard, developing a close bond between the handler and the dog. Any potential dogs (and people) entering into protection courses will have to be evaluated. Call, or email to set up an evaluation. Fee for evaluation is $150.00

Basic Protection Course:

    This course is custom designed to teach your dog essential basic protection skills and solve any problem that you are having at home with your dog.  Your dog will also understand on leash the following commands:  Sit, down, Come, Heal, Stay, Alert, the Out or Friend command.   This course will produce basic communication skill needed for you to have basic protection and the control of your dog.  This course can be modified to suit your individual needs.  At the end of the course you will have understanding of your dog and his or her training.  2 Week In Kennel w/ 4 Handler Sessions. 

Intermediate Protection Course:

 The intermediate protection course will include; Basic protection course, this course is designed to advance your dog’s protection training skills more, included;  watch him, attack, the passive alert, out command, and friend command, protection of handler or family without command.  In this course you will only need minor correction for the out/friend command.  At the end of this course you will be instructed with your dog so you will have complete understanding of your dog and it’s training.  This course can be modified to suit your individual needs and requirements.  3 Week in Kennel w/ 5 Sessions.

Master Protection Course:

      This course will include:  The basic protection course and the intermediate course and advancing your dog to the master level to complete off leash: attacks, out command, and out friends at distance off leash, detecting people hiding while walking, handler defense, reality scenario’s, vehicle protection, attacks under gun fire, test of courage attacks, hidden equipment, reconditioning from equipment fixation.   This course is designed for greatest protection and control from your dog.  At the end of this course you will be instructed with your dog so you will have complete understanding of your dog’s training.   This course can be modified to suit your individual needs and requirements.  4 Week in kennel w/ 8 handler Sessions.

Home Protection Coarse:

10 sessions (at your home) of Obedience training, Behavior Modification, Family, Home, and Personal Protection.   In addition to everything in the Home Protection Coarse this program also includes elements of bite work and levels of opposition your dog could encounter from a intruder and the ability to deal with these scenarios with a clear head.   This gives you total control of your dog and will make your companion a functional house pet.   If the intruder’s intension is to harm, the dog will attack.  Again if they are welcomed house guests, one command given to turn him off and again he is your family house pet.   Training done properly will give you one awesome dog.  10 Sessions @ $TBD (local Boston area)  plus any equipment needed and mileage.

Supply and training with highly advanced electronic training equipment available.

Some Training Video's

Don't be alarmed by these photos. These are all highly trained Dogs, and also family house pets. When Protection training is done properly it does not effect the dogs ability to also be a good, safe family house dog. This training is not for everyone, or every dog for that matter, but it can be a lot of fun 🙂

A couple of my own personal Dogs

Gatorlands Kirk


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