Professional Dog Training & Behavior Specialist

All Breeds, Ages & Dispositions Always Welcome!
Located in Hanover Massachusetts
Certified Master Trainer: David M. Ranieri

Professional Dog Training & Behavior Specialist
All Breeds, Ages & Dispositions Always Welcome!

Dave's Client Testimonial Page 2

Let me start by saying that I drove from Fitchburg MA to Hanover to meet David for my dog Cooper’s evaluation. It was the BEST thing I could have ever done as a dog owner!!! I chose David based on his reviews, and he has done competitions.  When I met with him I felt that he understood the issues I was having and that we had caused. This to me showed a commitment. Cooper was very dominant and had taken part in killing our cat. The last straw was cooper lunging at our neighbor. My wife did not like him and we put him out on our 200 foot dog cable run all of the time.

David quickly identified some of the things that I always thought to be normal as acts of dominance. David will take your dog and do the training with them and then give you three, one hour lessons. This time is to TRAIN YOU!!!!!!! on how to handle your dog. You will need to be vigilant and committed. We picked up cooper a little less than a week ago, and we already are seeing the benefits of working with him daily.
Cooper would not listen, he would pull, he would bark, he would steal food; he would not sit, stay or lay down on command!!!! He does all of these with ease. The thing we are so amazed by, is David PLACE trained him. He has a place mat and we tell him to go to his place and stay and he will. He will stay there for a long time until called. This is great for dinner time and when family comes over. We have tested this with my brothers husky. My brother, girlfriend and child all had to stay at my house with the big snow fall knocking out power. This was GREAT testing of the training of us and the Trouwe Hond K-9 program. He listened and we had to make some corrections.
I will update this review as time goes on. My entire family thinks that Cooper was switched with another dog. That is what Trouwe Hond K-9 can do for you if you will listen and be committed.
There are A LOT of expensive trainers out there, that have terrible results. Read the reviews and make an educated decision. I would be happy to recommend David to everyone and answer any questions people have. I welcome you to ask David for my number if you would like to speak with me.

Thank You, Chris, Kelly, Ella and Coope

Dear Dave:

             We just wanted to let you know that having you train Quinn was the best thing we did for him and for us. When we came to you, we had a recently adopted 2-yr-old Great Pyrenees/lab mix that weighed 100 lbs. and was sweet and cuddly in the house, but just didn’t seem to connect with us outside on our walks. We couldn’t let him off leash because he would run off after a scent and we’d spend the rest of our walk chasing after him. He was a rescue, so we had no idea about his past, but he didn’t like to make eye contact with us and would rather run off by himself than play with the other dogs. 

           The two weeks he spent with you were just what he needed. When we came to get trained that first Saturday, we could already see the difference.  He was making eye contact with us and listening to what we asked of him. The next week, you met us outside your house with him off leash. We couldn’t believe this was the same dog!  Your photos and regular updates on his training helped us feel connected to him. The photos of him at the car dealership and at Petco sitting calmly by himself were great!

We walk with a group of other dogs and all our friend keep commenting on what a changed dog Quinn is. He’s more balanced and happy. The best part is being able to let him off leash and know that we can get him to come back whenever we call him. Not only has he connected more with us, but he also plays more with other dogs. Watching him sprint across the field or romp with his buddies gives us such pleasure.

He was a dog that had a rough start in life. No one wanted to invest the time and energy in him and he came to us untrained and confused. Your training made something click with him. You also helped us communicate with him. We are now able to ask him to do something and he does it. It’s a win-win situation! Two weeks with you and our consistent training with him have given us a wonderful, happy dog! 

Thank you,     Andrea and Steve

Dave Raneri is a REAL dog training professional.  My dog had escalated to a dangerous state with his nervousness and dominance. He was completely out of control. My dog Alaska had bitten a few people, including my brother. I was basically unable to have visitors in my house because he would act erratically. He got loose one day and killed my neighbor’s cat. I had completely lost control of my pet. I had tried everything and I was not ready to give up on my pet.. I had taken him to one local trainer who told me I had to put my dog to sleep, I also paid for training sessions with another trainer who produced absolutely no results. Before I found Trouwe Hond I also brought him for an evaluation where they told me the could not train him. It was a nightmare. I finally found Dave and right away I had a good feeling about him. Even in the evaluation he approached my situation much differently than the other trainers had. I signed my dog up for the 2 week boarding program. Still doubtful because of my bad experiences I arrived for my training session a week into it and I was honestly amazed by what I saw. My dog was actually responding to the training. I could not believe it. When I picked him up at the end he was a completely different dog. He is fun to own again. I never could even imagine that he would turn out this great. If he can rehabilitate my dog he can help anyone!

I highly recommend Trouwe Hond K-9 to everybody.

Heather Levangie

My wife’s dog was an absolute psychopath. It had no obedience, whatsoever. By the very first night, Dave Ranieri knew he had his work cut out for him. He hadn’t seen a dog this bad in a long time, he said. But he didn’t give up there. He stuck through it, and the benefits from his training are undeniable. Two previous trainers had recommended almost immediately that we put this dog to sleep, but my wife was determined to see this through. After some online research, she came up with Dave’s name. At first, I was skeptical. I honestly thought I was going to pay for these services and get nothing more than a shiny, new collar out of it. But I can admit when I’m wrong. This guy is the Captain Quint of dog trainers. Don’t get me wrong, he’s not a miracle worker. It’s not a singular event. He sets forth the initial motions, but the rest is up to you. He has instilled the proper lessons and training into our dog, and it’s up to us to see that he continues down that path. But without him, we would have eventually had to get rid of him, and I can’t think of anybody that would have taken him with the behavioral patterns he had. I would recommend Trouwe Hond K-9 to anybody who is in need of dog training. No other dog trainer has shown us results like Dave can.   – Dan Levangie


         I just wanted to update ya with how everythings going. I couldn’t be more proud of Max and thankful for everything you did with him. We are spending A lot of time together and he’s really attentive and extremely respectful of me. You’re a lifesaver!!!

            My 10 mth old Golden Retriever was having dominance issues and at times attacking all of the members of our family. After having two other dog trainers Dave was our last resort before giving our dog Max away.  We left our Maxy with Dave for two weeks and the results are mindblowing! I could not ask for a better trainer and teacher. Not only did Dave train our dog but he showed us how to work with our dog. I would highly recommend Dave for anyone looking for a highly qualified trainer!!

The Blanchard Family

Hi Dave

 I just wanted to give you an update on Harley as it has been about 5 months.  She is doing great.  We are extremely pleased with her now.  While on the leash she is very good and still obeys all commands.  It has been a great pleasure now to have her around.   Even in the house she listens extremely well and follows commands, and goes to place with no hesitation, sometimes she doesn’t stay for long periods but overall we are extremely please.    I am trying to work with her some on off leash in the back yard, that is going to take some time I think, but she does follow all the basic commands come, heel, down, sit, and place for the most part.  

I wanted to thank you for your work with Harley.

Erik Gunning

Dave was amazing.  My dog had developed some fear/aggression issues as she matured and I really wasn’t equipped to deal with her.   I took her to Dave after I tried working with three other trainers, (including some well known ones) who were unable to help us.   In some cases seemed they seemed to make the issues worse. The training completely changed my relationship with my dog.   She is happier and calmer. Honestly, she is a completely different dog.    I have tried a number of different trainers and he is by far the best out there.   I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Dave to anyone looking for dog training.    Sincerely,  Chris Butler

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